philosopy, psychology & books


A fine psychologist, a poignant writer and an elegant philosopher - Igor Kalinauskas is an author of numerous books, which debb into the world of the subconscious, human subjectivity, psychology and philosophy. Yet no one can speak batter on this subject, then the writer himself:

"The main point of my work as a writer, psychologist and a philosopher - is the activation of human internal resources. The fact is that a person has a huge internal potential, which he practically never uses. And even he does, then he employes it accidentally. This huge internal potential is accessible. I've spend 50 years to discover the essence using various sources and practices. And by doing this I ruined my reputation. You know, I studied from a Sufi master, I plunged into all sorts of adventures just to try the maximum of the possible in practice. And finally, I managed to extract the information of purely technical nature. Certainly, it is not easy, but it is accessible. It is neither mysticism nor magic; it's into yourself. I follow this way in my own life, as well as in work and creativity.

Now I can say one thing: there is no esoterism. There was a conspiratorial cryptographic system so that some psychologies were not accessible for the public. And there has always been and always will be such a "human institution", which deals with the only thing, with human studies.

It doesn't conquer the nature, does not develop the civilization, it just studies what Man is. It is a simple question that cannot be answered. It's psychology, practical psychology and practical philosophy of the subject.

Why couldn't I travel abroad during the USSR times? I have never been engaged in politics. I dealt with psychology and philosophy of the subject. There wasn't more prohibited topic in the Soviet Union both in art and science. So I was working in the sphere of an "alien" art, an "alien" psychology and an "alien" philosophy.

And then, when there was a great capitalist revolution, it suddenly appeared that there were so few specialists in it. Nobody dealt with it, it was not in demand. And by that time I had gained so much!"

Igor Kalinauskas began his career as a writer, psychologist and philosopher in 1985, when he began to work at the Institute of physical culture (department of coaching). He worked as psychologists with professional sportsmen of highest rank. His system of training was used by the members of the Russian and Ukrainian National Athletic Teams, including the World-champion in broad-jump Rudolf Povarnitsyn. Since 1986 Igor Kalinauskas works as psychologist at Kiev Institute of Medical Radiology. He defended there his thesis entitled “Some aspects of pathological adaptation of personality”, based on the study of psychological constitution of the people, who have been liquidating the consequences of the Chernobyl nuclear plant explosion. Igor Kalinauskas became a member of many academies and was awarded numerous awards, honors and professional ranks:

On 22 January 1996 he became a full member of the Academy of Regional Problems, Informatics and Management. Then on 14 August 1996 The International Academy “Information, Communication and Management in Technology, Nature and Society” awarded him the title of FULL PROFESSOR in the specialization of “Philosophy and Psychology of Personality”. In 1999 Igor Kalinauskas has been elected a full member of the International Academy of Science and Culture in San-Francisco (IASC). On the same year, the Academy awarded him the title of Doctor of Philosophy in the specialization of “Philosophy and Psychology of Personality”. Also that year Kalinauskas was awarded the title of Doctor of Philosophy in the specialization of “Socionics”. On May 15, 2001 the General Committee of the International Academy “Information, Communication and Management in Technology, Nature and Society” awarded him with “for specific credit to science” honors. Several years later, on April 2008, Igor Kalinauskas has been awarded the Gold Medal of Franz Kafka (Czech Republic). And most recently March 2009, he was elected to become a member of Masareka Academy of Arts (Czech Republic) as well as the Vesuvian Academy of Arts (Italy).

In his scholarly works and books, Igor Kalinauskas continues to study the human subjectivity a topic which he finds truly fascinating and innate:

"Even twenty years later, I still can not use such category as "understand' when talking of a Man, of a human being. I try to feel, to experience. Perception of volume - yes, it is a matter of one instant. I have developed such a habit: when I see a man I try to feel him, to tune in. And then he reveals himself. Every person is a huge world. I've been a professional psychologist for so many years, and I still admire Man. Man surprises me. What are all those technical devices opposed to Man? They are just pieces of iron. Man is something amazing."

Igor Kalinauskas' books, written and first published in original Russian, had been translated into numerous languages: three into English, one into German, others into Lithuanian, Czech and Slovak. Only in Russian language alone, the total publication of his books exceeds 180 000 copies.

Below you can find a list of books and a publisher's link from where you can order,and purchase them.

Read Books On-line in English:

“Alone With the World” (ENG)

“Art of Living” (GER)


“Reabilitation of the Soul”
Published in 2012

“The path into yourself. The games of ordinary life”
Published in 2012

Published in 2012.

"The woman's wisdom and the man's logic. The war of the sexes and the principle of complementarity"
Published in 2011.

"Intellectual Adventure - the Revolution of Consciousness"
Published in 2010.

“Intellectual Adventure - the Origins of Being”
Published in 2010.

"The Light Moulded Me From The Darkness"
Published in 2009.

Life as the space of relationship - Method of Differentiated Functional States (DFS)
Published in 2009.

"Male and female beyond the doorstep of Eden" (Together with Eva Veselnickaja)
Two editions since 2006 to 2008.

"Transformation. Notes of a journey"
Published in 2011.

“Games, as played by ”We”
Published in 2005.

“Games, as played by “I”
Two editions published in 1997 and 2003.

“In search of Light”
Published in 2001.

“Sitting Well”
Two editions published in 1997 and 2003.

“Art of Living”
Four editions published since 1994.

"Spiritual fellowship"
Three editions published since 1996 to 2003.

“Alone With the World”
Eight editions published since 1991 to 2009.

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